JavaScript Event Handling: How to Create Event Handlers for User Interactions

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

JavaScript Event Handling: How to Create Event Handlers for User Interactions

JavaScript is a powerful language that allows developers to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to their web applications. One of the most important aspects of web development is event handling. Event handling refers to the process of capturing and responding to user actions on a webpage, such as clicking a button or typing in a form field. In this article, we will explore how to create event handlers for user interactions in JavaScript.

What are JavaScript events?

JavaScript events are actions that occur on a webpage that can be detected and responded to by JavaScript code. Examples of events include clicking a button, typing in a form field, scrolling, and resizing the browser window. When an event occurs, JavaScript can be used to perform a specific action in response, such as updating the page content or triggering a function.

How to create event handlers

To create an event handler in JavaScript, we use the addEventListener method. This method takes two parameters: the type of event we want to listen for and the function we want to execute when the event occurs.

Here's an example of how to create an event handler for a button click:

const button = document.querySelector('button');

button.addEventListener('click', function() {
  // code to be executed when the button is clicked

In this example, we first select the button element on the page using the querySelector method. We then call the addEventListener method on the button and pass in the string 'click' as the first parameter, which tells JavaScript to listen for a click event on the button. We also pass in a function as the second parameter, which will be executed when the button is clicked.

Event object

When an event occurs, JavaScript creates an event object that contains information about the event. This object can be accessed within the event handler function by adding a parameter to the function. The parameter can be named anything, but conventionally it is named event or e.

Here's an example of how to access the event object in an event handler function:

button.addEventListener('click', function(event) {

In this example, we have added a parameter named event to the event handler function. We then log the event object to the console, which will display all the information about the click event.

Preventing default behavior

Some HTML elements, such as links and form submit buttons, have default behavior that can be prevented using JavaScript. For example, clicking on a link will navigate to the URL specified in the href attribute, but we may want to prevent this behavior and perform some other action instead.

To prevent the default behavior of an element, we can call the preventDefault method on the event object within the event handler function.

Here's an example of how to prevent the default behavior of a link:

javascriptCopy codeconst link = document.querySelector('a');

link.addEventListener('click', function(event) {

In this example, we select the link element on the page using the querySelector method. We then add an event listener for the 'click' event and prevent the default behavior of the link by calling the preventDefault method on the event object.


Event handling is a crucial part of web development, as it allows us to create interactive and dynamic web applications. JavaScript provides powerful event-handling capabilities that allow us to respond to user actions and perform specific actions in response. By using the addEventListener method, accessing the event object, and preventing default behavior, we can create robust and responsive event handling in our web applications.